Dr. Lawrence McCrone is a Managing Scientist and ecologist specializing in the analysis of the effects of pollution on aquatic organisms. In his 28 years of experience he has directed or participated in a wide variety of environmental programs. Early in his career Dr. McCrone focused on assessing the impacts of municipal sew-age effluent discharges at more than 100 sites throughout the United States including the Atlantic and Pacific coasts Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. More recently his expertise has expanded to evaluating the effects of sediment contamination in marine estuarine and freshwater habitats from industrial sources such as pulp and paper mills wood treatment facilities chemical processing facilities mines smelters manufacturing facilities and military bases. Dr. McCrone has successfully managed large multidisciplinary technical support contracts for EPA's Oceans and Coastal Protection Division and Great Lakes National Program Office. He has also worked directly for the regulatory agencies gaining valuable experience in government contracting requirements and contractor oversight. |