Lauren McCormack, PhD, has over 15 years of professional experience in health services research and health communication. She directs RTI’s Health Communication Program, which is housed in the Center for Health Promotion Research. Dr. McCormack’s research interests include promoting informed decision making through effective communication and evaluating the impact of health-related information on consumer knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. She has designed, tested, and evaluated various types of culturally appropriate health education materials, including those that are print, video, and computer based. She regularly develops, pretests, and implements surveys and other data collection instruments; performs statistical analysis of large- and small-scale databases; and conducts qualitative analysis, including case studies, focus groups, and cognitive and usability testing interviews. Dr. McCormack has presented her findings at multiple national conferences and in peer-reviewed professional journals including Health Services Research, Medical Care, Health Affairs, Health Care Financing Review, and the Journal of Health Communication. |