Larry Wentz is an experienced manager, strategic planner, and C4ISR systems engineer with extensive experience in the areas of Nuclear C2, Continuity of Government C2, multinational military C2 and C3I systems interoperability, civil-military and information operations support to peace operations and numerous other military C4ISR activities. He also has extensive experience in business process reengineering, strategic planning and commercial telecommunications and information systems and their use in support of military C2.
Prior to joining Suss Consulting, Mr. Wentz was a researcher at the George Mason University Center of Excellence in C3I and recently completed an ASD C3I Command and Control Research Program (CCRP) sponsored lessons from Kosovo study. He conducted a similar CCRP sponsored study of lessons from Bosnia in 1996-1998 when he was at ASD C3I as the Deputy Director of the Command and Control Research Program. Prior to the Kosovo assignment, he served as Vice President of Advanced Communication Systems, Washington and before that spent thirty years with the MITRE Corporation, a not-for-profit Federally Funded Research and Development Center-two thirds of his MITRE career were spent in Europe supporting US/NATO C4ISR interoperability and the remainder as Technical Director of the Joint and Defense-wide Systems division of the MITRE Washington operation. Prior to joining MITRE, he spent 10 years with Bell Telephone Laboratories as a telecommunications systems engineer.
Larry is a writer, author, and lecturer on multinational C4ISR systems interoperability, Information Operations and Civil-Military Operations. He was a contributing author to the AFCEA International Press books, The First Information War and CYBERWAR 2.0 and Canadian Peacekeeping Press books, The Cornwallis Group Series. The NDU/CCRP press published his book, Lessons from Bosnia: The IFOR Experience and the CCRP press published his book, Lessons from Kosovo: The KFOR Experience. Findings from Mr. Wentz's lessons from the Gulf War study were cited in Alvin and Heidi Toffler's book, War and Anti-War. He has lectured at the Canadian International Pearson Peacekeeping Training Centre, the NDU School of Information Warfare and Strategy, the George Mason University Program on Peacekeeping Policy and the DIA Joint Military Intelligence Training Center.
B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University and Monmouth College
M.S. in Systems Engineering and Operations Research from the University of Pennsylvania’s Moore School of Engineering
Executive Management Program at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Business School
John F. Kennedy School of Government Program for Senior Executives in National and International Security at Harvard
Outside Director and Chairman of the Government Security Committee for the Board of Directors for Systematic Software Engineering, Inc.
Invited member of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Information and C2 Systems Technical Committee. |