Larry J. Ybarrondo, Ph.D. was elected to TetriDyn-Idaho’s board of directors in July 2004, and became a director of ours upon consummation of our share exchange transaction with TetriDyn-Idaho. Dr. Ybarrondo serves on the board’s executive compensation committee. Dr. Ybarrondo founded and built SCIENTECH, Inc., a 1,200-person, national, high-technology engineering services company with offices in over 30 cities and 6 foreign countries. His work experience includes responsibility for operation of four nuclear reactor facilities, major advisory and programmatic roles for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and a broad range of general management issues including planning, facility design, construction, fabrication, and modification. Customer responsiveness, excellence in performance, safety, training, maintenance, and total quality management were strongly emphasized in Dr. Ybarrondo’s work. Dr. Ybarrondo has over 30 years experience in the technological, operational, and managerial aspects of nuclear reactor technology. His experience has included senior management positions with a national laboratory organization, consulting to prestigious groups, and strategic, tactical, and operational planning for a diverse set of large and nationally significant projects. Education: Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology; MS, Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University; BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Detroit; Ten-Week Program for Senior Executives, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan Business School. |