Larraine Segil is a director of Vantage Partners. In her work with corporations throughout the world, Ms. Segil conducts programs and provides consulting on alliances and developing global alliance competencies. Prior to joining Vantage, Ms. Segil co-founded The Lared Group, an international consulting firm helping companies develop and maintain successful domestic and global business alliances.
Before Lared, Ms. Segil was the CEO of an advanced materials company providing products and services to aerospace and electronics manufacturers worldwide. She has co-founded and run companies in mortgage banking and medical services and continues to serve on the boards of a number of businesses. She is a senior research fellow at the IC2 Institute at the University of Texas, Austin, and a board member of the Los Angeles Technology Alliance, the Entrepreneurs Board of Advisors for the UCLA Anderson School of Management, the California Consortium on Transportation Research and D.A.R.E. She is recognized by Business Week and The Corporate Strategy Board as an expert in alliances, and is a regular commentator for CNN and CNBC.
Ms. Segil is the author of numerous books, including: Intelligent Business Alliances, Fast Power Your E-Business, Dynamic Leader, Adaptive Organization: Ten Essential Traits for Managers, and Partnering - The New Face of Leadership. Her latest book, Measuring the Value of Partnering, is her first on Alliance Metrics. She is a frequent columnist for a number of magazines including Entrepreneur, Forbes, The Harvard Management Communication Letter, CIO, Supply Chain Magazine, and The Corporate Strategy Board.
Ms. Segil received her J.D. from Southwestern University and her MBA from Pepperdine University. |