K. Y came to Novell as part of the Unix acquisition. Prior to joining Novell, he was a Distinguished Member Of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories where he was an architect and a key contributor to several releases of the UNIX Operating System. At Novell, K. Y has led several efforts to enhance the NetWare platform - he was the principal architect of NKS (Novell Kernel Services API). He was also the Chief Architect of Novell's next generation 64 bit Operating System (Modesto). As one of the architects of Novell's caching product on Linux, he was responsible for architecting and implementing a highly scalable transport infrastructure - SLAN. His areas of interest are: Operating Systems, OS virtualization and Fault-tolerant computing. K. Y. has a Ph.D in Computer Engineering from Wayne State University, Detroit MI and a MS in Computer Engineering from the Indian Institute Of Technology, Madras, India.