Kurt A. Gitter, M.D., 68, has served on the board of directors of Southern Union Company since 1995. He is a member of the board’s Corporate Governance, Independent Directors’ and Compensation Committees.
An ophthalmic surgeon in private practice in New Orleans, Dr. Gitter specializes in the treatment of retinal macular and vitreous diseases. He is also a clinical professor of ophthalmology at Louisiana State University, New Orleans.
Dr. Gitter earned an M.D. from the State University of New York and a Bachelor of Arts and Science degree from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. He is a former member of the Johns Hopkins University board of trustees.
Active in various medical, cultural and educational organizations, and the recipient of many prestigious awards, Dr. Gitter serves on the boards of trustees of the New Orleans Museum of Art and the Freer/Sackler Galleries of the Smithsonian. From 2000 to 2002, he also served as president of the Macula Society an international medical organization that provides for the presentation and dissemination of the most current and advanced scientific information and research available in retinal vascular and macular diseases.
Dr. Gitter resides in New Orleans, Louisiana.