Kristina M. English, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
University of Pittsburgh
4033 Forbes Tower
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Current Professional Interests
Development of best practices in the field of aural rehabilitation, including auditory training strategies for children with auditory processing problems and hearing loss; development of quantitative and qualitative techniques to measure the efficacy of counseling strategies in audiology; development of teaching materials and strategies to enhance undergraduate and graduate training in audiology; distance learning/ teaching strategies.
Ph.D., 1993, Education/ Special Education, San Diego State University/ Claremont Graduate Univ.
M.A., 1986, Communication Disorders, San Diego State University
B.A., 1983, Speech-Lang Path/Audiology, San Diego State University
Books and Chapters
English, K. (in press). Teaching children with visual and hearing impairment. In R. Lewis & D. Doorlag (Eds.), Teaching special students in general education classrooms (7th ed.). Columbus, OH: Merrill Prentice Hall.
English, K. (2004). FM counseling Issues: Adolescents and young adults, or The Case of Jason B. Proceedings from the Phonak 2003 Achieving Clear Communication Employing Sound Solutions (ACCESS) Conference (pp. 19-184), Chicago, IL.
Clark, J. G., & English, K. (2004). Counseling in audiological practice: Helping patients and families adjust to hearing loss. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
English, K. (2004). Mapping your own audiogram. In R. Carmen (Ed.), Hearing loss and hearing aids: A bridge to hearing (2nd ed.), pp. 43-61. Sedona, AZ: Auricle Ink Publishers.
English, K. (2002). Counseling children with hearing impairments and their families. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
English, K. (2002). Educational audiology: Aural rehabilitation in the school setting. In R. Schow & M. Nerbonne (Eds.), Introduction to aural rehabilitation (4th ed.) (pp. 247-274). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
English, K. (2002). Psychosocial aspects of hearing impairment and counseling basics. In R. Schow & M. Nerbonne (Eds.), Introduction to aural rehabilitation (4th ed.) (pp. 226-246). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
English, K. (1997). Self advocacy for students who are deaf and hard of hearing. Austin, TX: PRO ED.
English, K. (1995). Educational audiology across the lifespan: Serving all learners with hearing impairment. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.
Recent Refereed Articles
English, K., Kooper, R., & Bratt, G. (2004). Informing parents of their child’s hearing loss: Breaking bad news guidelines for audiologists. Audiology Today, 16(2), 10-12.
Elkayam, J., & English, K. (2003). Counseling adolescents with hearing loss with the use of self-assessment/significant other questionnaires. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, (14)9, 485-499. Cited in Best of 2003: Aural Rehabilitation articles, Hearing Journal, 57(5), 38.
English, K., Martonik, J., & Moir, L. (2003). An auditory training technique to improve dichotic listening. Hearing Journal, 56(1), 34-38. Cited in Best of 2003: Aural Rehabilitation articles, Hearing Journal, 57(5), 38.
English, K. Assessing auditory processing problems in the school setting. (2001). Journal of Educational Audiology, 9, 42- 46.
Recent Invited Presentations
English, K. (2005, January). Counseling in audiologic practice: Helping patients and families adjust to hearing loss. Half-day workshop presented at the Georgia Academy of Audiology conference, Atlanta GA.
English, K. (2005, January). Counseling in audiologic practice: Helping patients and families adjust to hearing loss. Half-day telemedicine conference for the All Children’s Hospital, St. Petersburg FL.
Mormer, E., & English, K. (January, 2005). Team assessment as a tool to improve learning across the curriculum. Poster presented at the ASHA Audiology Education Summit, Ft. Lauderdale FL.
English, K. (2004, November). Counseling for success. Two workshops presented at the Third Annual Phonak International Sound Foundation Through Early Amplification conference, Chicago, IL.
English, K. (2004, October). Counseling and hearing loss: Helping patients help themselves. Keynote speech, Widex Annual Meeting, Union der Hörgeräte-akustiker Kongress (UHA Congress) Frankfurt, Germany.
English, K. (2004, October). Child-centered audiology: Helping children and teens adjust to their hearing loss. Paper presented at the West Virginia Speech-Language Hearing Association conference, Morgantown WV.
English, K. (2004, September). Counseling basics for Audiologists. Paper presented at the Michigan Academy of Audiology conference, Kalamazoo MI.
English, K. (2004, June). Mapping a course for self-advocacy. Two-day workshop, Fourth Annual Colorado Education Summer Institute, Vail CO.
Recent Honors/Awards
2004, Noel Matkin Research and Creative Endeavors Awards, Educational Audiology Association
2004, Honors of the Association, Southwestern Pennsylvania Speech-Language-Hearing Association
2002, Presidential Scholarship Award, Duquesne University
2002, Frederick S. Berg Award, Educational Audiology Association |