Contact: Mr. Kim L. Berghall at Sisu group inc. Sisu group inc. 2895 E 89th St, Tulsa , OK, L74137-3302 Tel: 918-495 1364 Email: Skills Languages: PowerBuilder (PFC) 2,3,4,5,6.5,8,9 (12-years), CA-IDEAL (8-years), Uniface Databases: MS SQL Server (8-years), Sybase (6-years), Oracle (1-year); CA-DATACOM Tools: PowerDesigner, ERwin, ObjectCycle, PowerClass, PVCS, SQL Monitor, SP Debugger, SQL Navigator, Visio, FrontPage Systems Windows 2000-3, XP, NT 4.0, Win 98, Win 95, UNIX, DOS, MVS, CICS, TSO/ISPF Strengths Advanced PowerBuilder and SQL Coding, Business and Data Modeling, GUI Design, Technical Project Leader, Development Infrastructure Management. High Performance Solutions. Industries Energy (Petroleum, Natural Gas, Power) Telecommunications 19 Years of Applications Development Experience 4/98 - Present Senior Consultant, Sisu Group, Inc. (4 Years) Project: Integrated Petroleum Risk/Trade Management solution. Created from concept to final product, PetroMan , a comprehensive petroleum trade management system. It includes Cash, Futures and Options contract capturing with confirmation letter, all accounting aspects, risk management, scheduling, position valuation, rack marketing with invoicing and tax calculations. Analysis, design, data modeling and development. Tools: PowerDesigner, ERwin; PowerBuilder 6.5-9.0.1; MS SQL Server 6.5 - 2000, Visio 9/00 - 6/01 Senior Consultant, Major Telecommunications company. (6 Months) Created RowMan, a comprehensive Right of Way Management system. Developed from scratch to working production system. Created ConMan, a construction management system handling progress and payment management of fiber optic construction projects. Tools: ERwin 3.5.2; PowerBuilder 6.5; MS SQL Server 7.0 Win2K, Win 98, Visio 2000 8/98 - 3/99 Senior Consultant, Major Advertising Distribution company. (7 Months) Project: Convert and replace several legacy applications with client server and web solutions. Analysis, design and data modelingt. Tools: ERwin 3.5; PowerBuilder 6.5 ; Rational Rose; Win 95. 6/97 -6/98 Senior Programmer, Major Energy Trading company. (12 Months) Project: Continued development of Electric Power Trading System. Application is completely PFC based. Developed complete application security management system, application security services, generic client data auditing services with corresponding generic server audit engine. Developed contract and vendor maintenance screens. Tools: PowerBuilder 5.02, 6.0 ; Oracle 7.3; ObjectCylce, NT 4.0, Win 95, SQL Navigator, ERwin. 3/97 - 6/97 Senior Programmer, Major Natural Gas Pipeline company. (3 Months) Project: Short term project to make current natural gas management system support new Federal regulations. Developing complex online volume shift screens and customer access screens using IDEAL language. Tools: IDEAL, DATACOM some PowerBuilder and Sybase SQL. 2/97 - 4/97 Senior Consultant, Major Insurance Risk and Claims company. (2 Months) Project: To enhance existing Insurance Claims system and develop an additional system within 3-6 months. I put together a small development team of two VB/MS Access programmers plus myself as the project leader and senior consultant. I have documented and modeled the existing system and recommend changes for better performance etc. In addition, I have analyzed and designed the whole data model for the new system. Tools: ER-Win 2.6, Visual Basic 5.0, MS Access 7.0, SQL Server 6.5, Crystal Reports, FrontPage 97, NT 4.0. 5/95 - 2/97 Senior Systems Analyst promoted to Staff Analyst, Major Video Broadcasting company. (19 Months) Technical leader, key designer and developer of a comprehensive and mission critical Video Business Management system. System: Conversion from Clarion DOS to PB and Sybase 11 with extensive enhancements. Scope: About 1,200 PowerBuilder objects; 250 tables, 300 stored procedures. Tools: PowerBuilder 4.0, PowerClass framework, Sybase System 11 running on HP-UX. 2/94 - 5/95 Senior Systems Analyst, Major Oil and Gas Field Services company. (15 Months) Key designer and developer of a Gas Marketing, Management and Accounting system. Tools: PowerBuilder, Sybase System 10 running on HP-UX server. 7/87 - 2/94 Programmer promoted to Programmer Analyst then Systems Analyst, Major Telecommunications company. (7 Years) Designed and developed major portions of mission critical on-line network and business management systems. Circuit Inventory, Equipment Inventory, Trouble Ticket, Order Entry, and Pricing Systems. Tools: CA-IDEAL (4GL), CA-DATACOM, Mainframe., UniFace, Sybase, ERwin< Additional Experience 1994, Developed a comprehensive Video-Game Wholesale Inventory and Accounting system. The system was written in PowerBuilder 3.0 and later upgraded to 4.0 and recently again to PowerBuilder 5.0 and Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5. Training: PowerBuilder : PB 5.0 Conference 5-day, Advance Datawindows 2-day, Object Oriented PB 3-day, Performance Tuning 1-day, OLE Automation 1-day, Intro 3-day, PowerClass 3-day SQL: SYBASE Fast-Track 5-day, SYBASE Intro 5-day, DB2 5-day UNIX: AIX 5-day, DYNIX/ptx 3-day Other: FrontPage 1-day, IDEAL/DATACOM 5-day, SAS 5-day, INFOPAC 1-day Recent self study: Fast Track to PB 5.0, Advanced Transact SQL - SYBASE System 11, Sybase - Writing Effective Stored Procedures, Continued studying of numerous PowerBuilder and SQL Server books and publications. Education -Bachelor of Science Management Information Systems 1987 3-Year Certificate in Electronics Repair 1980 Other Formerly elite marathon runner Fluent in the foreign languages of Swedish and Finnish. |