Kevin Cardwell spent 22 years in the U.S. Navy, during this time he tested and evaluated Surveillance and Weapon system software, some of this work was on projects like the Multi-Sensor Torpedo Alertment Processor (MSTRAP), Tactical Decision Support System (TDSS), Computer Aided Dead Reckoning Tracer (CADRT), Advanced Radar Periscope Discrimination and Detection (ARPDD), and the Remote Mine Hunting System (RMHS). He has worked as both software and systems engineer on a variety of Department of Defense projects and was selected to head the team that built a Network Operations Center (NOC) that provided services to the command ashore and ships at sea in the Norwegian Sea and Atlantic Ocean . He served as the Leading Chief of Information Security at the NOC for six years prior to retiring from the U.S. Navy. During this time he was the leader of a 5 person Red Team that had a 100% success rate at compromising systems and networks. He currently works as a free-lance consultant and provides consulting services for companies throughout the US , UK and Europe . He is an Adjunct Associate Professor for the University of Maryland University College where he participated in the team that developed the Information Assurance program for Graduate Students which is recognized as a Center of Excellence program by the National Security Agency (NSA). He is an Instructor and Technical Editor for Computer Forensics, and Hacking courses. He has presented at the Blackhat USA Conference. He is a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), and holds a BS in Computer Science from National University in California and a MS in Software Engineering from the Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Texas. His current research projects are in Computer Forensic evidence collection on "live" systems, Professional Security Testing and Advanced Rootkit technologies. |