Dr. Kenneth Wacks, Home and Utility Systems, Pioneer in the home systems industry, management advisor to more than 80 companies and utilities, Chair of international world standards committee (ISO/IEC) for home and building systems. Developed home automation and appliance networking standards in the US. Regular column in the CABA Home and Building Automation Quarterly under the byline "Ken Wacks' Perspectives." Author of Home Automation and Utility Customer Services (Aspen Publishers). Invited Speaker at the Automatic Meter Reading Association International Symposium each year since 1996 on various electric and gas utility topics, Advisor to the MIT Media Lab on Home Systems, Designed distributed load control system to investigate response of intelligent appliances to real-time pricing, Ph.D. in communications (digital imaging) as a Hertz Fellow at MIT, Master's and Bachelor's degrees from MIT, studied at the MIT Sloane School of Management. Entrepreneur in the semiconductor industry. |