Mr. English is a director in the machinery and technical services (MTS) practice for the Midwest Region of CBIZ Valuation Group. His responsibilities include the scheduling, management, execution and review of engagements, business development, technical support and optimizing quality control procedures. Mr. English is a valuation and appraisal professional with over thirty years of valuation experience in all categories of industrial manufacturing and processes, including some of the world's largest corporations. He has performed appraisals throughout the U.S. and in twenty foreign countries. Mr. English has served at the senior level at several national valuation firms, most recently with Standard and Poor's. He has completed valuations for allocation of purchase price, corporate planning, mergers and acquisitions, insurance replacement, bankruptcies, financial reporting, property records, import/export reporting and fresh start accounting. He has provided valuations under reproduction cost, replacement cost, fair market value, fair value and orderly and forced liquidation value premises. Mr. English is an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) in the American Society of Appraisers and an associate member of the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE). |