Successfully defended over 50 cases involving termination, non-renewal or discriminatory treatment of dealers, distributors, franchisees or representatives.
Successfully litigated numerous antitrust cases, alleging monopolization, conspiracy, price discrimination, resale price maintenance or predatory pricing, including health care provider and trade associations cases.
Defeated certification in numerous class actions involving a broad variety of subject matters and legal issues, including consumer protection, advertising, price fixing and fraud.
Prevailed in the defense of various automotive original equipment manufacturers and suppliers in complex litigation, including RICO, fraud and breach of contract.
Frequently acted as local or co-counsel to patent counsel in major patent cases, including the recent decision on "obviousness" in KSR v Teleflex.
Obtained judgments in over 30 trademark infringement cases, including award of treble damage and attorneys fees for "willful" infringement.
Defended numerous criminal grand jury investigations or inquiries by the DOJ, FTC. or state attorneys general, without indictment issuing or conviction.
Successfully defended False Claims Act ("Qui Tam") cases against public universities, corporations and individuals.
Won numerous cases involving "dealer statutes" including, Wisconsin Fair Dealership Law, Automotive Dealer Day In Court Act, Petroleum Marketing Practices Act, and Wine and Beer Distributing Acts.
Prevailed in numerous administrative proceedings, including dismissal of class action allegations that automotive insurance underwriting standards constituted racially discriminatory "redlining".
Won various defamation/libel cases, including allegations against state officials, gaming casino executives and product disparagement cases.
Defended various health care industry cases, including summary judgment dismissing allegations of collusive denial of certificate of need by state officials for construction of hospital.
Automobile Club of Michigan
Carhartt Inc.
Ford Motor Company
General Motors Acceptance Corporation
Miller Brewing Co.
Seco/Carboloy Tool Co., Inc.
Telecommunications Association of Michigan
The Enhanced Protective Glass Association
The Detroit Medical Center
Antitrust Law
Business Tort
Class Actions
American Law Institute
State Bar of Michigan, Antitrust and Franchise Law Section, Former Chairperson
American Bar Association, Sections of Litigation and Antitrust Law
Federal Bar Association
Detroit Goodfellows, Old Newsboys
St. Andrews Society of Detroit
Former Adjunct Praofessor of Lw, University of Detroit Law School, teaching courses in trial practice and antitrust law.
University of Michigan, B.A.
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Theta Kappa
University of Michigan Law School, J.D.
Finalist, Henry M. Campbell Moot Court Competition and Member, University of Michigan Law School National Moot Court Team |