Kenneth "Kip" Kokinakis is the CEO for Myvu Corporation. Kip is a 33 year veteran in technology. His career includes CEO and Senior management positions with companies in semiconductor manufacturing, distribution services and consumer products. Kip has significant global experience, operating companies in the US and several foreign countries. During his career Kip has focused on the development of start-up and emerging companies, successfully demonstrating the ability to grow companies from zero sales to substantial sales revenue.
Most recently he served as Chairman and CEO of Aura Communications, a pioneer in Magnetic Induction and Near Field Communications. Kip was responsible for re-positioning the company, productizing the technology and raising $12M in new capital funding.
Between 1996 and 2000, Kip was the CEO and president of Aureal Semiconductor, a leader in audio for the personal computer. Kip was hired to re-start Aureal's business, turning it around and growing annual revenues from zero to $45 million. He subsequently led the company's development of a new product family of PCI audio chips and sound cards, which resulted in numerous awards for product innovation and Aureal's position as a standard for audio in PC games. As CEO and Managing Director of Memec Asia-Pacific, a unit of a billion dollar European electronics components distributor, Kip built the Pan-Asia division, growing it to 125 people with sales of $150 million in five years. His leadership resulted in the first Pan-Asian electronics distribution operation for Memec with 13 offices in seven countries.
Additionally, Kip has held executive level positions with other market leaders, including Microchip Technology, Xilinx, National Semiconductor, and Silicon Systems. |