Ken Zickrick, Jr.
District III
Secretary of GW Telecommunications and GW Properties. Kenneth "Sonny" Zickrick, Jr. has been on the Golden West Board of Directors since June of 1978, where he currently serves as secretary of Golden West Telecommunications Cooperative and Golden West Properties. He and his wife Echo operate a farm and ranch at Long Valley, SD. Zickrick grew up in Long Valley where he attended grade school before graduating from Kadoka High School. He attended the National School of Business in Rapid City and graduated with a two-year business degree. Sonny taught at a country school for one year and then worked in Martin at an implement dealership as partsman and bookkeeper for two years. He then returned to Long Valley where he worked for his brother in a body shop before taking over the full-time operation of the family farm and ranch following the death of his father. Zickrick is a member of the Long Valley Fire Department. The Zickricks have one son.