Recognized for her expertise in z/OS business resiliency strategies, storage management, and data cloning. Kelly Smith offers a depth of knowledge honed by many years of experience in the mainframe industry. Her understanding of diverse installations is the result of helping a wide variety of companies implement data cloning, DFSMS, DFSMShsm, and local and disaster recovery. Formerly a Systems Programmer with a focus in storage for Seattle First National Bank, a subsidiary of Bank of America, Kelly joined Mainstar in 1994 as a consultant and sales engineer and is now a Mainstar Product Manager. Kelly regularly writes and speaks on mainframe issues. Her low-key, unflappable manner and logical approach helps clarify even the most complex issues. Kelly wrote the IBM Redbooks publication Mainstar MS/VCR: The Tool for Efficient Device Cloning and co-authored the first edition of DFSMShsm ABARS and Mainstar Solutions. She writes numerous White Papers and offers informative webcasts. Kelly regularly presents at the IBM Storage Symposium, SHARE, and User Group Meetings. Kelly lives in Colorado and in her spare time enjoys her dogs, camping, and riding her horses. |