Ms. Bennett provides a concentrated focus on the development of the energy conservation and White Tags program for Sterling Planet. As National Policy Director, Ms. Bennett develops and represents Sterling Planet s position in standard-setting processes and regulatory proceedings, as well as other initiatives around the world. Ms. Bennett brings a unique awareness of all the complex details of the dynamic policy environment, notably the need to combine market-based solutions with sound public policy to address our energy and carbon challenges. Prior to joining Sterling Planet, Ms. Bennett served as Deputy Executive Director of Government Affairs for the Environmental Business Association of New York State, Inc. (EBA/NYS), the only statewide trade association dedicated to supporting the growth of the energy and environmental sector. She was also responsible for the financial management of all aspects of EBA/NYS and its non-profit sister organization, the Center for Economic and Environmental Partnership, Inc. (CEEP). Ms. Bennett is the former Director of Project Management for Clean Air Technologies International, Inc., served for the Speaker of the New York State Assembly as senior policy analyst for the Commission on Critical Transportation Choices, and served as clerk and direct staff to the New York State Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee. In June 2007, Ms. Bennett was appointed by the Lt. Governor of the State of New York to serve as a delegate on the Renewable Energy Task Force. She currently serves as Chair of the New York State Apollo Alliance, Co-Chair of the EBA/NYS Climate Change Committee, serves on the external review committee of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Environmental Excellence Awards, and teaches a climate change course as an adjunct professor in the MBA for Managing Sustainability at Marlboro College (VT). She is the board Treasurer for CEEP and a board member of Mainstream New York (MANY). An Albany Business Review 40 Under Forty honoree, Ms. Bennett is a frequent presenter at national conferences and other events. |