Keith Cannon is a 36-year brokerage industry veteran with broad experience serving as a director to publicly traded companies and implementing the new requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley.
In addition to Innuity Keith is presently a director and member of the audit committees for the following companies: Elamex C.V. NASDNM (ELAM); Montgomery Realty Group Inc. OCTBB (MGRY); and JLM Couture (JLMC). He previously served as a director of Global e Point NASDAQ.
During his career Keith was branch manager with Wilson-Davis & Co. a firm specializing in wholesale market making. Earlier he was founder and owner of Cannon Securities a National Association of Securities Dealers member firm. Additionally Keith was president of the Utah Securities Dealers Association and chairman and board member of the Utah Governor’s Securities Advisory Board.
He received his master’s and bachelor’s degrees in journalism and business from the University of Utah.