Keith Annison, Divisional Sales Manager
Position: Divisional Sales Manager - South, Professional Experience: 30 years Sales and Management experience beginning in the women's apparel industry, promotional products, commercial and residential floor coverings, and Wireless telephone communications, before joining Geiger in 2001. What I Do Today: Division Manager for South Division of East Region, including MidSouth and Geiger MPI. Promote and coordinate efforts to maximize exposure of the Geiger Brand through sales increases and recruitment. Answer emails and phone calls of all independent representatives and Geiger Suppliers. Accomplishments & Recognition: 2004 South Region Division of the Year. Author and administrator of Geiger EGRITS, online sales presentations. Outside Activities: Family activities; hunting, fishing, and gardening; involvement in interscholastic and intercollegiate athletics as a coach and official. What Moves Me: Accomplishments, achieving goals, assisting others achieve their goals...I have been an athlete and coach most of my life and love competition and the thrill of victory. Any challenge that seems impossible really moves my grits.