Dr. Wagoner is a co-founder of our company and has served as our president and a director since our inception and as chief executive officer since September 1996. Prior to founding Icagen Dr. Wagoner served in research management positions at Glaxo Inc. a pharmaceutical company where she initiated and led Glaxo's U.S. ion channel discovery efforts in central nervous system cardiovascular and metabolic disease. Dr. Wagoner received her Ph.D. in physiology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In 2001 Dr. Wagoner received the distinguished alumna award for science and business from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Dr. Wagoner also serves or has served on a variety of boards of directors including the University of North Carolina's Graduate School Advisory Board and the Governing Body of the Biotechnology Industry Organization's (BIO) Emerging Companies Section. In 2004 Dr. Wagoner was awarded the Entrepreneurial Excellence Award by the Research Triangle based Council for Entrepreneurial Development the largest entrepreneurial support organization in the United States and the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Regional Award for Life Sciences and Healthcare. |