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Kathy Johnson
Kindergartner Teacher
Kathy Johnson's Email : Please login
Company Name : Learning Resources Inc.
Company Website : www.learningresources.com
Company Address : 380 N. Fairway Dr.
, Vernon Hills, IL,
United States,
Kathy Johnson's Profile : Kindergartner Teacher
Kathy Johnson's Biography :

Mrs. Johnson’s role in the team is to teach these kindergartners language arts through science. She does so, she explains, because sciences offer something kids can visualize and anchor on to. For instance, children might read the fictional story, The Three Bears, and compare and contrast fictional and real bears: they are mammals; there are different kinds; they live in different places and need different habitats. Using the Learning Resources Three Bear Family® Counters, children can act out the story in a variety of ways. Using Reading Rods® Phonemic Awareness Kit , children can spell BEAR, or other vocabulary words, on their desks while journaling about bears.

Mrs. Johnson and the rest of the team also have a peer learning push-in / pull-out program that matches older children who need more help with younger students. The older students practice fundamentals while they gain confidence and empowerment from mentoring the younger children; the younger children achieve greater success with the support of their older buddies. At Liberty Elementary, children regularly change rooms to get the specialized attention they need, whether that attention comes from a teacher, a student partner or a group of students. Mrs. Johnson is now taking these methods on the road. She and her daughter Kary, also an educator who has developed workshops using the Response to Intervention model, offer teachers and administrators ideas to be more successful in meeting the needs of at-risk students.

Even after thirty years in kindergarten, Mrs. Johnson hits the ground running. Her teaching doesn't stop at the door of Liberty Elementary it flows out across the White Settlement Independent School District and into conferences across the country.

Kathy Johnson's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Chris Triola Teacher Please login
Johnette Winfrey Teacher Please login
Marsha Young Teacher Please login
Kary Johnson Teacher Please login
Guadalupe Lopez Author Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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