Kasey Krouse is an urban forester with Davey Resource Group. Mr. Krouse conducts computerized tree inventory projects for municipalities, parks, and golf courses. He has experience with GIS-based pen tablet computers and handheld PDA data collection units, as well as GPS technology. He has assisted in the public tree inventory in Lakeland, Florida. Mr. Krouse has prior experience with Purdue University, where he performed street tree inventory work for the City of West Lafayette, Indiana. Mr. Krouse has conducted research on the effects of herbicides on herbaceous species, under the Urban Forestry Department at Purdue University and has also served as a wildlife technician for graduate students in the Natural Resource Department at Purdue. He has studied abroad in Christchurch, New Zealand, where he studied plantation forestry practices in the South Pacific. He is a Certified Arborist (IN-3243A) with the International Society of Arboriculture, and was a recipient of the Tree Funds Felix Memorial Scholarship in 2005. Mr. Krouse graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science degree in forestry, specializing in urban forestry and international studies. |