Karen Sloneker is director of customer services and marketing for AEP Ohio and is responsible for meter reading meter services field revenue protection and customer service for AEP Ohio’s 1.4 million customers.
With 24 years of experience at AEP Sloneker has held various positions in engineering information technology customer service and marketing departments. Sloneker began her career with at the Conesville Generating Station as a performance engineer. She later became a power engineer in the Energy Services arena.
Earning supervisory positions as energy services supervisor and marketing and customer services training manager she was then named as key accounts manager for the state of Ohio. In 1998 Sloneker joined the information technology department as an account manager for energy delivery and came to her current position from energy delivery application services where she was managing director.
Sloneker earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering in 1982 from The Ohio State University and she also successfully completed the university’s Management Development Program. |