Joseph Ryan serves as Program Officer and Managing Director for Latin America in the Environment Program. In this position he coordinates all the Foundation’s air quality projects in Mexico and Brazil. This work follows four broad themes: (1) introducing ultra-clean fuels in developing nations, (2) dramatically reducing emissions from cars and trucks through regulation, (3) working with government and the private sector to promote cleaner technologies for heavy-duty vehicles, and (4) promoting economically viable public transportation options. Key areas include Bus Rapid Transit, traffic control measures like congestion charging and improved pedestrian and bicycle access. These areas of work support the Program's overall mission to improve the lives of residents in the developing world’s largest cities. With the popularity of BRT, Joe’s work has expanded to include China where he serves on the advisory board of the China Sustainable Transportation Center. Joe has lived and worked in Latin America throughout the past fifteen years including the last five in Brazil working with the Hewlett Foundation. A Fulbright-Hays doctoral fellow, Joe spends his spare time completing his dissertation in Brazilian economic history at the University of California, Los Angeles. |