Dr. Tajnai has over 36 years of technical experience with lasers and LEDs, optical measurement and optical design, and has been a member of an international committee whose charter is optical radiation safety. Prior to his joining OnScreen’s Scientific Advisory Board, his professional career encompassed: Advanced development of conventional and exotic lasers, laser systems, fiber optic systems and mathematical modeling and optimization of laser pumping systems (GTE Sylvania, Mountain View, California, 1969-1978); creation of an optical measurement facility, development of new optical measurement capabilities, optical analysis and design; development and evolution of a process for product development; management of product safety concerning optical radiation from LED products (Hewlett-Packard/Agilent Technologies, 1978-2002); contributing member to US National Committee and International Committee for optical radiation safety (including LEDs) and laser products, IEC TC (Technical Committee) 76 (1994-present); independent consultant in optical radiation safety (2002-present). |