Born in Bilbao (Vizcaya), in 1954. Married. Doctor in Economics and Business Science from Universidad de Deusto. Professional Background:
His professional career has always been linked to banking, and more specifically, to BBVA, which he joined in 1978, after having taught Strategic Planning at the Universidad Comercial de Deusto. Main stages in BBVA: Joined the Banco de Bilbao in 1978, assigned to the Strategic Planning Area. Was member of BBV Holding (company he led into the merger between BB and BV). In 1992, was appointed General Manager of the BBV. From 1993 to 1998, he directed Retail Banking for the BBV Group. From 1995 he has also directed the BBV-Americas Group, coinciding with the BBV Group’s expansion in Latin America. In 1994 he became a member of the BBVA Management Committee. In 1999, BBV and Argentaria announced their merger. José Ignacio Goirigolzarri was appointed member of the BBVA Management Committee and head of the Latin-American businesses. Since 2000 has sat on the BBVA Bancomer Board. In April 2001, was appointed General Manager of the BBVA Group, in charge of Retail Banking. His responsibilities cover the following areas: Retail Banking in Spain, Retail Banking in the Americas, Pensions, Private Banking and e-Banking. He was appointed to a BBVA directorship on 18th December 2001. |