Born in Granada, 4th of October 1948. Mr. Almansa holds a law degree from the University of Deusto (Bilbao). Mr. Almansa is currently a Member of the Board of Telefónica Internacional, S.A., Telefónica de Argentina S.A., Telefónica del Peru S.A.A. and Telecomunicaçoes de Sao Paulo S.A. In December 1974 he joined the Spanish Diplomatic Corps, and served from 1976 to 1992, as Secretary of the Spanish Embassy in Brussels, Cultural Counsellor of the Spanish Representation to Mexico, Chief Director for Eastern European Affairs and Atlantic Affairs Director in the Spanish Foreign Affairs Ministry, Counsellor to the Spanish Permanent Representation to NATO in Brussels, Minister-Counsellor of the Spanish Embassy in the Soviet Union, General Director of the National Commission for the 5th Centennial of the Discovery of the Americas, and Deputy General Director for Eastern Europe Affairs in the Spanish Foreign Affairs Ministry. From 1993 to 2002, Fernando de Almansa was appointed Chief of the Royal Household by His Majesty King Juan Carlos I, and is currently Personal Adviser to His Majesty the King. |