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Profile of John Edelson

John Edelson

Advisor - WireSpring Technologies
John Edelson Email :
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Company Name : WireSpring Technologies
Company Website : www.wirespring.com
Company Address : 1901 W Cypress Creek Rd.
Ste. 100, Fort Lauderdale, FL,
United States,
John Edelson Profile :
Advisor - WireSpring Technologies
John Edelson Biography :

John Edelson has 20 years of experience in the high tech and consulting industries. Mr. Edelson is president/founder of Time4Learning.com where Homeschool students learn reading & math online. Mr. Edelson was instrumental in the turn-around of Argonaut, a 100 person diversified entertainment and technology company in London. He managed it for three years, reversing its slide and achieving both high growth and profitability. He also spun out ARC Cores, a semiconductor company, from Argonaut. As senior vice president, Mr. Edelson helped grow ARC from 10 to 300 employees. Both ARC and Argonaut are now traded on the London Stock Exchange and are thriving. Mr. Edelson holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Yale University and an MBA from Harvard University.

John Edelson Colleagues :
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Bill Gerba

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Jeremy Zaretzky

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Michael Smith

VP - Sales, Marketing Please login

Harvey Engel

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Richard Nicolosi

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