Ph.D. Linguistics, University of Ilorin, Kwara, Nigeria (2000)
M.A. Linguistics, University of Texas - Arlington, Texas (1990)
B.A. Cultural Anthropology, Biola University, La Mirada CA (1982)
Current positions
SIL International Sociolinguistics Coordinator Dallas, Texas (2004- )
Administration of a worldwide network of linguistic research, training,
workshops and academic publication in areas of Sociolinguistic interest.
Other experience
Kambari Language Project Advisor- Salka, Niger State, Nigeria - Staff training in linguistics; linguistic analysis of Kambari languages; developing practical writing systems; staff training in translation; funding assistance; project activity planning, literacy materials development, terminology formation, and related tasks, (1992-Present)
Instructional staff - Introductory Course in Applied Linguistics, Nigeria Bible Translation Trust, Jos, Nigeria: three-month program in linguistic theory and language analysis for mother-tongue speakers of African languages, (1998)
Director of Linguistics Program/Assistant Professor - Houghton College, Houghton, New York. - Full time teaching: Theoretical and applied linguistics, program development, recruitment of students, curriculum design, (1995-1998)
Instructional staff - Introductory Course in Applied Linguistics, Nigeria Bible Translation Trust, Jos, Nigeria. "Mini ICAL" six-week program in linguistic theory and language analysis for mother-tongue speakers of African languages, (1994)
Linguistic survey in (then) Kwara State, Niger State, and other sections of Nigeria. Focus research on Kambari area of Borgu LGA, Magama LGA. Assisted formation of the Kambari Language Project, (1988-1992)
Rural community development - Arabela via Curaray River, Peru - Primary and adult literacy, advanced adult education. Community Economic Initiative promotion. community health worker training, (1984-1986)
Selected publications
Publications in SIL International Bibliography
2001. Review of Cambridge Dictionary of American English, edited by Sidney I. Landau.Notes on Linguistic (4)1:71-74.
2000. The Role of Oral Literature in the Dissemination of Neologisms (Ph.D. dissertation). 195 pp. Ilorin, Nigeria: Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages, University of Ilorin.
1994. "Obligation wealth in Nigeria." Ethno-Info (27).
1990. Linguistic Trade-in: Language Change Patterns Among the Arabela (MA. thesis). 88 pp. Arlington TX: University of Texas at Arlington.
On-line works
2004. Review of African languages: An introduction (2000) by Bernd Heine and Derek Nurse. SIL Electronic Book Reviews 2003-002. Dallas: SIL Intl. Online URL: (1 June 2004).
Selected papers presented
2001. "Oral drafting: seeking naturalness in translated materials." Presented at Bible Translation 2001, Dallas, Texas. |