John Chandley is a member of a team of experts who specialize in electricity market design. This team, led by Harvard's William Hogan and LECG's Scott Harvey, has helped design the ISO markets in the Northeast. As part of this team, John advises clients on the creation of independent market operators, independent transmission companies, bid-based spot markets, transmission rights, congestion pricing concepts and retail competition. He helps utilities and regulators develop rules for efficient markets, and structures that meet both federal requirements for open transmission access and state requirements for retail choice.Prior to joining LECG in August 1999, Mr. Chandley worked for three years with the market design teams at Putnam, Hayes and Bartlett. He advised both national and international utility clients on market design concepts and the status of U.S. electric restructuring issues, and helped draft market rules for various regions in the US and Canada. During 1998 and 1999, John advised the Market Design Committee of the Ontario government on how to establish wholesale and retail competition in the province, including how to establish an Independent Market Operator. He helped draft the initial market rules that are now being implemented. Most recently, John advised the Ontario IMO on such matters as inter-regional transactions and financial transmission rights. During 1996 and 1997, John worked with the market design team that assisted the 7 Supporting Companies who developed the market rules for an ISO for the PJM Interconnection. John helped draft the initial market rules and multi-settlement procedures for PJM and advised the companies on the transmission rights system that PJM now uses. In addition, John helped prepare various explanatory filings that the Companies submitted to FERC to secure FERC's approval of the PJM ISO, locational marginal pricing and other market rules. Since joining LECG, Mr. Chandley has been advising utilities in the Midwest and other regions on the development of market rules, market-based congestion pricing and effective RTOs that meet the requirements of FERC's RTO Final Rule. Before joining the market design teams as a consultant, Mr. Chandley was an assistant chief counsel at the California Energy Commission (CEC). Between 1992 and 1996, he led a team working on California's electric restructuring, representing the CEC and preparing all of their comments to the California Public Utilities Commission. He also served as the state representative on the WEPEX Steering Committee, which oversaw the preparation of the original California market rules and tariff applications to the FERC. Mr. Chandley holds an A.B. in political science from the University of California, Berkeley, and a J.D. from the University of California, Hastings College of Law in San Francisco. |