John Langley is an Independent Director and member of the Audit Committee for UTi Worldwide. Highly regarded in both academic and professional pursuits John is a Professor of supply chain management and Director of supply chain executive programs for The Supply Chain and Logistics Institute at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He also participates in programs of The Logistics Institute-Asia Pacific located in Singapore and is the Executive Director of the Georgia Tech Supply Chain Executive Forum. Previously John served for nearly three decades at the University of Tennessee during which time he was the Dove Distinguished Professor of logistics and transportation. John is a former President of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) (formerly the Council of Logistics Management) and a recipient of the CSCMP’s prestigious Distinguished Service Award. He has co-authored several books including The Management of Business Logistics a 7th edition textbook published in 2003 and Third Party Logistics: Views from the Customers an annual study conducted to identify key trends and issues relating to the use of outsourced logistics services by customers in North America Western Europe Latin America Asia Pacific and South Africa. Widely published his works have appeared in the Journal of Business Logistics International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management International Journal of Logistics Management Supply Chain Management Review and Logistics Quarterly. John currently serves on the Boards of Forward Air Corporation where he is a member of the Compensation Committee and Chairman of the Nominations and Corporate Governance Committee and Averitt Express Inc. He also is an advisor to ChainConnectors an Atlanta-based supply chain advisory firm and a former Director of Landair Transportation where he served as Chairman of the Audit Committee. John earned his B.S. M.B.A. and PhD at Penn State University in mathematics finance and business logistics respectively. |