John A. Ferraro, Ph.D., FASHA, FAAA
Carolyn Doughty-Margaret Kemp Chairman and Professor
Hearing and Speech Department, University of Kansas Medical Center
Brief Biographical Sketch - John A. Ferraro, Ph.D., FASHA, FAAA
Ph.D., Speech and Hearing Sciences, University of Denver, 1972.
B.S. (So. Colorado St. College), M.S. (U. Denver), Biology
Carolyn Doughty-Margaret Kemp Chairman and Professor, Hearing and Speech Department, University of Kansas Medical Center and
Co-Director, University of Kansas Intercampus Program in Communicative Disorders ( both positions held since December, 1983)
Associate Dean for Research, School of Allied Health, KU Medical Center (since October, 1999)
Associate Dean, School of Allied Health (1985 - 93); and Acting Dean of SAH (1992 - 1993), University of Kansas Medical Center
1972-1974: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Auditory Research Laboratory, Northwestern University (under the direction of Peter Dallos)
1974-1981: Asst./Assoc. Professor, Speech and Hearing Science Section, Ohio State University
1981-1983: Clinical Neurophysiologist, Swedish Medical Center, Englewood, Colorado
Research/Publication/Presentation History:
- over 65 publications (journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, etc.)and 150 presentations relating to the clinical applications of auditory evoked potentials/auditory physiology.
-1997 textbook Laboratory Exercises in Auditory Evoked Potentials (Singular Publishing, Inc.)
Professional Service
Vice President for Standards and Credentials, Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (currently)
ASHA Council of Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology
ASHA-AAA-CAPCSD Joint Ad Hoc Committee on Doctoral Education in Audiology (2001 - 2002)
ASHA Vice President for Audiology Coordinating Committee (1997 - 2000)
former President (President-Elect, and Past-President) of the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders
member of first ASHA Working Group on AEPs
Chaired ASHA SID #6 Sub-Committee on AEP Specifications
Recent Awards:
Honors of the Council of Academic Programs in Communications Sciences and Disorders (April, 2001).
2002 Outstanding Honorary Alumnus, School of Allied Health, University of Kansas Medical Center.
2003 Center for Excellence Graduate Teaching Award, University of Kansas. |