Dr. Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld associate dean of the Yale School of Management and founder of its Chief Executive Leadership Institute in Atlanta has more than 25 years of experience studying management performance and CEO leadership. His research has been published in 80 scholarly articles which have appeared in leading management academic journals such as The Harvard Business Review Administrative Sciences Quarterly The Academy of Management Journal The Academy of Management Review The Journal of Organizational Behavior Social Forces Human Relations and Human Resource Management. He has also authored five books including The Hero's Farewell an award winning study of CEO succession. His work is regularly cited in Fortune Business Week The Wall Street Journal The New York Times Newsweek Time The Washington Post and the television programs 60 Minutes The Today Show Nightline Good Morning America CNN’s Crossfire and Talkback Live and CNBC’s Power Lunch.
Some of Dr. Sonnenfeld’s recent achievements and honors include Business Week’s Stand Out New Management Book of the Year; The American Society of Training and Development’s Outstanding Contributions to Executive Education; Emory University’s Outstanding Educator Award; Sacred Heart University and Connecticut Governor John Rowland’s Distinguished Innovation in US Management Education; AT&T’s Prize for Research in Social Issues and the Academy of Management’s Outstanding Research in Social Issues and Dissertation of the Year in Social Issues.
He received an A.B. from Harvard College and a M.B.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University.