Jeff received his B.S. in Physics (with honors ) in 1992 from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA, and in 1997, he earned his Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico for work in the area of MOCVD growth and characterization of InGaN based materials. That same year, Jeff joined the technical staff of Emcore Corporation in Somerset NJ as a staff scientist. After two years of research in various III-V materials, he began development work on the E300 scale GaN MOCVD reactor, later known as 'GaNzilla.' Emcore sold the Turbodisc division to Veeco Instruments in late 2003, and he subsequently focused on a more advanced version of this reactor, which addressed issues of non-uniformity in the GaN and InGaN materials. This new design enabled a Turbodisc GaN platform to achieve record uniformity for the critical InGaN active region which dramatically improved yield of LED devices. |