Jane Kidd specializes in energy market structure and valuation issues. Her recent work has focused on economic research and analysis related to several key U.S. gasoline markets. Prior to joining Econ One, Ms. Kidd evaluated various domestic and international capital investment opportunities for petroleum companies, natural gas pipelines, and electric utilities. She also has worked with gas and electric utilities to formulate strategic initiatives related to cost of service, rate design, and regulatory restructuring. Ms. Kidd is past President of the Houston Chapter of the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE). She has served as a Southern Gas Association speaker on the topics of unbundling and retail choice and was selected by the Public Utility Commission of Texas to participate in its initial rulemakings on electric power deregulation. Education M.A. in Applied Economics, Southern Methodist University B.S. in Political Science, Southern Methodist University,cum laude B.A. in Economics, Southern Methodist University, cum laude Work Experience Econ One, 1999 - present Stone Bond Corporation, 1998 - 1999. The Economics Resource Group, Inc., 1997 - 1998 Brazos Electric Power Cooperative, Inc., 1994 - 1997 |