Jane Hummer is an analyst who brings strong research, data analysis, and writing skills to the Summit Blue team. Having participated in numerous energy program evaluation efforts across the country, Ms. Hummer possesses knowledge of a broad range of energy program structures, as well as key elements for program success. She is currently part of the evaluation team examining California's statewide Flex Your Power Now program, in which she is evaluating the effectiveness of the mass media advertising used to motivate Californians to voluntarily conserve energy during critical peak times. She recently researched the application of community-based social marketing principles to energy efficiency programs for Ontario Power Authority. Ms. Hummer is part of the evaluation team that is conducting the four-year market characterization, assessment, and causality/attribution evaluation of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) portfolio of energy efficiency and demand response programs. She was the lead analyst on the freeridership and spillover study for NYSERDA's Technical Assistance and Commercial/Industrial Performance Programs, and she authored several evaluation update reports for other NYSERDA programs. Both of these efforts involved extensive analysis of survey data and program databases. Ms. Hummer was recently part of the project team conducting a market profile study for Minnesota Power; as part of that effort, she researched the history of national appliance efficiency standards in the U.S., as well as current equipment saturations in the Midwest. She recently conducted interviews to investigate innovative pricing tariffs at utilities nationwide as part of Summit Blue's design of a Time-of-Use rate for Florida Power and Light Company. She also participated in Summit Blue's evaluation of California's statewide education, awareness, and outreach programs for energy efficiency and demand response. She was a member of the Summit Blue team conducting a measurement and verification study of Texas energy efficiency programs for the Texas Public Utilities Commission. Ms. Hummer has excellent writing and editing skills, honed through two years as a technical editor for a consulting firm. Ms. Hummer received her B.A. in English from Bowdoin College. |