Extensive background in energy including power plant permitting; air quality permitting, compliance and enforcement; Endangered Species Act compliance; wetlands regulations and 404 permitting; and environmental due diligence. Advises clients on energy contracts, renewable energy credits, and greenhouse gas requirements.
Energy Development and Operation
Orchestrated strategy and directed project development team to efficiently and successfully permit and license large power plants including application preparation, discovery and evidentiary hearings to the final decision.
Directed project development team to use design solutions, proactive resolution of environmental and community concerns and license large power project without the need to provide additional and expensive enhancements.
Provided legal support in negotiations and resolution of compliance concerns regarding United States Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, United States Army Corps and the California Energy Commission.
Negotiated fuel supply agreements and terms for power purchase agreements taking into account regulatory requirements.
Developed strategy for effectively responding to community concerns including health impacts and environmental justice.
Resolved interconnection disputes regarding fees, timing and application of legislation and regulatory decisions.
Represented irrigation districts in rate proceedings addressing ongoing market restructuring issues. Obtained significant reductions in charges placed on departing load customers.
Advised renewable power producer of options for successful project development in competitive and evolving electricity markets.
Advocated before the California Public Utilities Commission for favorable Standard Offer 4 Contract termination to allow existing independent power producer to sell to direct access customers and into the power exchange.
Developed testimony exposing the vulnerability of the San Francisco Peninsula to interruptions in electricity service without generation located in San Francisco .
Air Quality
Negotiated numerous permit conditions for stationary sources, including start-up time frames, overall emissions limits and detailed construction emission conditions.
Represented corporations facing notices of violations from administrative violations to large emissions permit violations. Advised clients with multimillion dollar fine assessments on appropriate strategy and exposure.
Successfully eliminated experimental technology from being deemed best available control technology with the Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX and the local air district.
Advised company on need and benefits of self-reporting of air quality violation, provided legal support for submission showing extent and time of violation, negotiated new procedures to improve future compliance and negotiated reasonable penalties.
Represented applicants for new air permits on rule and regulation requirements, off-set purchase and development options, advocated in hearings and advised applicant on draft permit conditions.
Successfully resolved questions regarding off-set requirements and related mitigation measures with air district at minimal cost and no additional requirements for the facility.
Developed systematic approaches to evaluating and responding to new regulations extending permitting and control requirements to new industries and processes. Negotiated with air district to create reasonable best available control technology determinations. Created strategies for cost effective permitting, compliance and resolution of notices of violation.
Endangered Species and Wetlands
Counseled and represented clients regarding endangered species issues and receive biological opinions from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and incidental take permits from the California Department of Fish and Game.
Advised clients on obtaining individual wetland fill permits under section 404 of the Clean Water Act for large industrial developments and linear facilities in the Sacramento Valley and along the coast of California . Orchestrated National Environmental Policy Act alternatives analysis to supplement California Environmental Quality Act equivalent document in support of army corps individual permit for 26-mile pipeline.
Negotiated environmental mitigation agreements including conservation easements, purchases of credits from mitigation banks, and purchases of property and provision of management funds for conservation entities to hold in perpetuity.
Developed and maintained excellent working relationships with United States Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game.
Represented projects requiring California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Quality Act review. Created strategies for defensible and defined project description, need/project purpose, alternatives and growth inducing impacts analyses.
Due Diligence/Acquisition Support
Successfully transferred numerous permits for multiple projects in large acquisition of facilities scattered across various locations. Negotiated with three different air districts and three different investor-owned utilities to transfer interconnection agreements and permits to operate on the day of closing the transaction.
Performed detailed due diligence of environmental and regulatory permits to support legal opinion that satisfied lenders and supported the timing of the acquisition.
Advised acquiring entity of environmental and regulatory permit status and compliance. Reviewed existing permits, discussed compliance concerns and outstanding violations with regulating agencies. Created comprehensive summary of project compliance status.
Provided regulatory opinions to support financing construction of and refinancing of power plants.
Energy Project Experience
Cosumnes Power Plant Project 1000 MW combined cycle power plant (phase 1); Sacramento County
Advocated for and resolved issues relating to biological resources including obtaining Endangered Species Act Biological Opinion, California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit, U.S. Army Corps Section 404 individual permit and favorable California Energy Commission (CEC) decision. Successfully advocated for finding of no significant impacts in the area of visual resources. Obtained favorable air quality permit conditions overcoming agency staff and public opposition. All permits and licenses obtained Fall 2003.
Inland Empire Energy Center – 670 MW combined cycle power plant, Riverside County
Represented client in proactive power plant licensing application proceeding where upfront legal strategy and project planning reduced overall project costs including legal fees, consultant expenses, environmental study costs and mitigation purchases. Advised client on reducing the number of other agency permits and timeframes for acquisition of those permits. Lead successful team effort to minimize project enhancements. All permits obtained by end of year 2003.
Los Esteros Critical Energy Facility - 180 MW simple cycle power plant; Santa Clara County
Advocated for favorable CEC decision under expedited four-month sitting process. Aided final resolution with nearby city to overcome opposition and reach a workable solution. Overturned initial decision to remove the project from the four-month process and received project license in July, 2002.
Panda West power Projects - 3 49 MW simple cycle power plants; Solano County
Represented projects before the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and United States Fish and Wildlife Service to obtain necessary project permits. Successfully advocated for use of District controlled credits for Permit to Construct. Obtained expedited biological opinion from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. All permits obtained in fall of 2001.
Elk Hills Power Project - 530 MW combined cycle power plant; Kern County
Represented project at the CEC. Counseled client on Application for Certification, responding to data requests, and CEC procedures and requirements. Advocated for project at evidentiary hearings and motions. Developed strategies for responding to experienced, professional intervention regarding Native American resources, hazardous materials, worker safety, onsite contamination, endangered species, and alternatives. CEC license obtained in the fall of 2000.
Moss Landing Power Plant Project - 1090 MW combined cycle power plant; Monterey County
Advised client on adequacy of Application of Certification before the CEC. Counseled client on numerous issues including wetlands, endangered species, once through cooling impacts, and proper engagement with CEC Staff and Commissioners. CEC License obtained in the fall of 2000.
Harbor Cogeneration Project - 70 MW combined cycle cogeneration project; Los Angeles County
Directed successful application for approval of Standard Offer 4 contract buy out by Southern California Edison before the California Public Utilities Commission. Obtained concurrence of the Office of Ratepayer Advocates for the buyout. Created effective strategies and obtained favorable decision over professional opposition.
San Francisco Energy Project - 240 MW combined cycle cogeneration project; San Francisco City and County
Provided legal support for highly contested Application for Certification before the CEC. Developed strategies for responding to recognized environmental justice expert representing organized community opposition. Supported highly contested public hearings.
AES Placerita Cogeneration Project - 120 MW combined cycle cogeneration project; Los Angeles County
Successfully obtained an Application for Certification license from the CEC for an existing Small Power Plant Exemption facility. Provided legal support for rollover, which was completed from start to finish in six months.
Crocket Cogeneration Project - 240 MW combined cycle cogeneration project; Contra Costa County
Managed team of consultants in preparation of controversial Application for Certification before the CEC. Directed project team throughout the licensing process, including preparation of critical testimony. Participated in development of community benefit package to enhance the local community.
Former Judicial Extern to the Iowa Superior Court
Power Association of Northern California, Board of Directors, Member
State Bar of California, Environmental Law Section, Member
Sacramento County Bar Association, Environmental Law Section, Member
Western Power Trading Forum, Member
California Municipal Utilities Association, Member
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, Member
Stanford Law School (J.D., 1989)
California Polytechnic State University (B.S. Construction Management, 1986)
Power Association of Northern California , Spring Conference, June 2004 and April 2005, Conference Chair
"Legally Defensible Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act," 2005, Presenter
"Development within and Around Wetlands," Lorman Education Services, 2004, Presenter
Federal Energy Bar Association, Western Chapter, Annual Meeting, 2001, Moderator
Sacramento Local Conservation Corps, Board Member
Salvation Army, Volunteer Advocate
Paint the Town program, Volunteer
4-H horseback riding program, Volunteer.