Born 1948. M.Sc. (Econ.). Swedish citizen.
Member of the STORA Board of Directors from March 1997 until the merger with Enso in 1998. Chairman of Stora Enso’s Financial and Audit Committee since 20 March 2003 and Financial Expert of the Financial and Audit Committee since 21 April 2004. Chairman of the Board of Concordia Bus AB and ODEN Anläggningsentreprenad AB and a member of the Board of Green Cargo AB and Lannebo fonder AB.
Managing Director of Swedia Networks AB 2002 - 2004 and President and CEO of NCC AB 1993 - 2001. Member of the Board of Swedia Networks AB 2001 - 2004 SSAB Swedish Steel 2000 - 2003 and NCC AB 1988 - 2001.
Owns 508 A and 1 943 R shares in Stora Enso. |