Jan Pieter Oosterveld has served as Chairman of our Supervisory Board since June 2, 2006. He has served as a member of our Supervisory Board since May 2004, and was officially appointed at our AGM on June 3, 2004. He retired from Royal Philips Electronics N.V. on April 1, 2004, after an international career of 32 years. He was responsible for Corporate Strategy, Corporate Alliances and the joint ventures with LGE on CRT and LCD. In the latter responsibility he was the Chairman of the Board of LG.Philips Ltd, which went public in April 2004, and Vice-Chairman of the Board of LG.Philips Displays B.V. He was also CEO of Philips Asia Pacific. He graduated as Mechanical Engineer from the Technical University Eindhoven, the Netherlands, and holds an MBA from the Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa (IESE) in Barcelona, Spain. He was appointed Professor at IESE in 2003. Mr Oosterveld is a member of the Board of Barco (Kortrijk, Belgium), Atos Origin (Paris, France), Cookson Electronics Group (London, UK) and Continental (Hannover, Germany).