Mr. O'Leary has more than 20 years experience in software development and project management with a strong background in compiler development, Windows product development management, and high-integrity software quality assurance. Prior to joining Verocel, Mr. O'Leary held a number of technical and managerial positions including: Senior SQA Engineer for Xevo Corporation responsible for testing of Xevo's ASP Workbench Provisioning System. Object-oriented testing using Java.
Safety Critical Testing Manager at Aonix, responsible for low-level functional and coverage testing policies and procedures suitable for DO-178B certification. He also managed the engineering team that performed functional and coverage testing of Aonix's DO-178B-certifiable Ada Run-time Systems.
Mr. O’Leary has also completed the RTCA Practitioners Course for DO-178B Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification. |