M.Eng. Geotechnical Engineering, University of Toronto, 1984
B.S. Geotechnical Engineering, University of Toronto, 1983
Professional Engineer Virginia, Maryland , and North Carolina
SWANA, Mid Atlantic Chapter, Technical Committee, Certified Landfill Operations Specialist
SWANA, Mid Atlantic Chapter, Past Director & Secretary
American Society of Civil Engineers
ASCE-NCS Director, Past Director, Secretary & Geotechnical Committee Member
ASCE Annual Convention 2004 in Baltimore, Geo-Institute Track Chair
National Society of Professional Engineers, PENC Central Carolina Chapter
NSWMA, Maryland/Delaware Solid Waste Association
Mr. Law has over 20 years of geotechnical experience in landfill engineering and closure design, resident/construction engineering, and construction quality assurance services, project scheduling using Primavira and Microsoft Project, construction cost estimating using RS Means Estimator and local pricing data, geotechnical subsurface soil exploration programs, foundation bearing/settlement analysis and design, blower and flare foundation design, liquefaction analysis, static and seismic slope stability analyses, seismic permanent displacement analysis, geosynthetic reinforced slope, embankment and pavement design, writing of geotechnical soil reports and construction completion certification reports. Examples of his project experience include:
Frederick County, MD, Reichs Ford Road Landfill: Performed geotechnical evaluation involving global slope stability and settlement for a Phase III major permit amendment of the landfill Vertical Expansion project. Also provided construction submittal technical review of a new cell construction (Cell 2B); Performed slope stability analysis for Site B Cell 2A alternate liner system proposed for the new cell construction. Also evaluated the global slope stability of the landfill by steepening of the permitted sideslope from 4(H):1(V) to 3(H):1(V) to regain some airspace in the existing cell; Managed and reviewed geotechnical site investigation programs and evaluation of Cell 3 design and a rubble fill closure design; Provided geotechnical supports for siting a transfer station and recycling facility; Manage resident engineering and construction quality assurance services for the construction of Cell 3 and a rubble fill closure construction (including locating a yard waste compost facility atop the rubblefill landfill after closure).
Arlington County Pond, WA Performed slope stability analysis of the existing pond and the proposed deepening of the pond under both static and seismic loading conditions.
Potreto Hills Landfill, CA Performed Slope Stability analysis of the existing excavated slope in the new cell area and the interim waste slope with additional lifts of waste in the old cell area, under both static and seismic loading conditions.
North Wake County Landfill, NC Performed Construction Quality Assurance services for the installation of the landfill gas collection system expansion project, which includes gas well, lateral piping and connections.
Prince George’s County Material Recovery Facility, MD - Responsible to manage and review a subconsultant’s performance assessment report and RFP documents related to MRF maintenance requirements and county procurement policy issues.
Howard County, MD:
Carrs Mill Landfill - Project Manager for final cap design. Landfill closure features including final cap, passive gas control and groundwater remediation using pump and treat technology. The design covers an 8-acre municipal waste area closed in 1977 and a 0.25-acre former drum disposal area. Work included delineation of waste limits, soil cover thickness, estimated waste depth, estimates of long-term settlement, HELP modeling for leachate generation, and landfill gas and groundwater monitoring and testing. The site was graded and revegetated for passive end uses, which included a recreation park; Project Manager and certifying engineer for the 8-acre landfill closure. Responsible for management and oversight of the construction engineering, construction quality assurance services and closure certification report; Managed the modification, programming, and improvements to the existing groundwater remediation system.
Alpha Ridge Landfill - Lead Geotechnical engineer and Task Manager for soil investigation program including stability and settlement analyses for the final cap design at the Alpha Ridge Landfill. The design of landfill closure features included a final cap, active LFG control with enclosed ground flare, and groundwater remediation using pump and treatment technology for this 70-acre unlined landfill site. He was also the Project Director and certifying engineer for the 70-acre landfill closure. Responsible for management and oversight of the construction engineering, construction quality assurance services and closure certification report. Potential end use considerations included a model plane park on top of the landfill and multiple soccer fields in the borrow area outside landfill limits; Managed the design of a tipping floor wearing surface and a truck scale at the Transfer Station.
New Cut Landfill - Lead Geotechnical Engineer and Task Manager for the final cap design. Closure features included a final cap, active LFG control using an enclosed ground flare, and groundwater remediation using pump and treatment technology for this 50-acre site. The work included delineation of waste limits, soil cover thickness investigations, wetlands mapping, review of historical information and gas and groundwater monitoring and testing. He was also the Project Director and certifying engineer for the 50-acre landfill closure. Responsible for management and oversight of the construction engineering, construction quality assurance services and closure certification report. End use considerations included a nature walk park on top of the landfill and a dog training park outside the limits of the landfill.
Baltimore County, MD, Eastern Landfill - Project Manager for final cover system design.
Montgomery County, MD:
Oaks Landfill - Owner’s on-site representative and quality assurance engineer for the construction of the Oaks Sanitary Landfill Vertical Expansion. Responsibilities included review and evaluation of landfill slope and geosynthetic lining system stability; preparation of contract change orders and cost analyses; review of field and laboratory geotechnical and geosynthetic test data for conformance with the project requirements; review of quality control certification reports for completeness and accuracy; coordination with state and local regulatory agencies; and preparation of responses to contractors' requests for design clarification; Project Manager for the redesign of MSW Cell 1 cap system and Ash Cell A lining system atop the existing landfill, in accordance with the U.S. EPA Subtitle D requirements; Project Manager for the final cover system design of the eastern portion, Phase I and II closure projects. Mr. Law was also the Certifying Engineer for Construction Quality Assurance services for this 140-acre closure project. The final capping system for both phases includes 40-mil VFPE geomembrane overlain with geocomposite drainage net material. The project also involved active landfill gas extraction components and general site grading; Project Manager for the evaluation of the existing 5.2 million-gallon capacity leachate lagoons and possibly downsizing these leachate lagoons into smaller but manageable sizes. HELP model and the actual site leachate collection data were used to perform this task. Reconstruction of the lagoons included soil berm, geosynthetic liner installation and repair, and piping appurtenances. He is also the Project Director and Certifying Engineer during the reconstruction and reconfiguration of these lagoons.
Shady Grove - Provides engineer construction cost estimates of Transfer Station alterations and improvements project.
Washington County, MD, Forty West Landfill - Project manager and geotechnical engineer for the soil investigation program for the Phase III report; Re-evaluated slope stability of the landfill at final design height due to change of specified material properties encountered during construction.
Prince William County Landfill, VA - Prepared the quality assurance/quality control plan for the closure of the existing Prince William County Landfill. Also designed soil investigation and test pad construction programs for closure and expansion projects at the landfill; Managed the task involving settlement evaluation and repair of a ballfield located atop of an old landfill; Managed a new cell construction to provide resident engineering and CQA services and engineer’s construction cost estimate at, Phase I, Part 3 Construction project.
Frederick County, VA:
Regional Landfill Vertical Expansion - Performed slope stability analysis for the proposed alternate liner system and vertical expansion (Cells 2, 3 and 4) for new cell construction. Also performed alternative liner system demonstration through use of HELP and MULTIMED modeling.
Evaluated the leachate head on liner with 100,000 galloons per day of leachate recirculation in a 5-acre cell area.
Chesterfield County, VA, Shoosmith Sanitary Landfill - performed alternate liner system demonstration in a major permit amendment application (to the VDEQ for approval) for Shoosmith Landfill project. Also provided geotechnical engineering support during construction of Cell 22.
Fort Belvoir, VA, Theote C&D Landfill - Certifying Engineer and project manager for the 7-acre closure. Responsibilities included construction quality assurance services (observation, testing, and certification); borrow material submittal review and approval; review of quality control certification reports for completeness and accuracy; and coordination with the state regulatory agency. He also prepared the quality assurance plan for the closure.
Suffolk, VA, Hosier Road Landfill - Resident Engineer and project manager for the 40-acre landfill closure construction. Responsible for the construction quality assurance services and closure certification report.
BFI’s King & Queen Sanitary LF, VA - Performed HELP and MULTIMED modeling of an alternate liner system for a prime consultant in preparation of a major permit amendment application.
Shenandoah County Sanitary Landfill, VA:
Phase 2 - Performed slope stability analysis for the proposed steepened slope and vertical expansion as required under a major permit amendment.
Prepared and completed a construction certification report for the first Cell 1 construction in Pahse 1. Also prepared a work plan (for VDEQ approval) that described the efforts required to test, monitor, and ultimately certify the previous capped areas and current closing but unlined Cells 8 & 9.
Brunswick Waste Management Facility, VA - Performed design analyses for a Part B Permit Application for a new, privately developed landfill.
Springfield, VA, Hilltop C/D Landfill - Project Manager for the final slope stability and settlement analysis of the final cover system design for a 9-hole golf course.
District of Columbia, Benning Road and Fort Totten Transfer Station Facilities Expansion - Performed overall construction engineer’s cost estimates.
Town of Holy Ridge, NC - Directed and managed a team of construction quality control and laboratory testing services for the construction of a 9-acre waste water treatment lagoon HDPE liner system.
Cape May County Landfill, NJ - Designed the foundation for the 40-foot flare stack and blower concrete slab.
Atlantic County Utilities Authority, NJ - Performed HELP modeling to demonstrate that the head on liner after active leachate recirculation (ranging from 20,000 to 40,000 galloons per day) within the lined cell does not exceed the regulatory limit of 12 inches. Also performed slope stability analysis of a vertical and lateral expansion piggy-back cell area using PCSTABL5M program to verify that the factor of safety is adequate using waste shear strength properties after leachate recirculation.
Cincinnati, OH, Elmwood Landfill - Performed slope stability analysis of an old landfill toe stabilization project which is adjacent to a creek.
Cleveland, OH - Involves in slope movement evaluation of an old landfill that is currently under re-development into a commercial park atop of the landfill.
Rumpke Sanitary Landfill, OH - Performed slope stability analysis and evaluation of the Southern Expansion areas and was responsible for a complete analytical report submitted to the Ohio EPA for approval.
BigFoot BFI Sanitary Landfill, OH - Evaluated a recent landfill cap failure involving geosynthetic interface sliding along the weakest plane after heavy rains.
Citrus County, FL - Performed liner system evaluation and global slope stability analyses for Phase 2 cell permit and design.
Polk County Landfill, FL - Performed global slope stability analysis of the landfill final slope considering raising an adjacent reservoir water level by 2 feet.
Hillsborough County Landfill, FL - Performed working face slope stability evaluation of an interim slope at Hillsborough County Landfill construction.
Barre, MA, Martone Landfill - Performed slope stability analysis using PCSTABL5M computer program developed at Purdue University to verify that the landfill slopes has an acceptable Factor of Safety (FS) during construction and operation of the leachate recirculation system. The slope stability analysis included both circular and block-type failure surfaces, with considerations given to potential seismic impacts and potential changes in waste mass properties with leachate recirculation.
Yell County, AR - Involved in a pilot program using an alternate cap system and new composite liner material for a closure project.
Tontitown Landfill, AR - Peer-reviewed a permit document regarding geotechnical aspects of another consultant’s design of a vertical and lateral expansion of an existing landfill.
Phoenix, AZ - Performs foundation evaluation and design of commercial/office buildings development atop of an old landfill, Riverview Redevelopment.
Las Vegas, NV, Sunrise Mountain Landfill - Performed overall site stability analysis and evaluation of an old valley-filled landfill.
Hiriya Landfill, Israel - Performed HELP modeling to demonstrate performance of various cap systems (including end use consideration of a recreation park) and to evaluate slope stability using PCSTABL5M program.
Taichung City Landfill, Taiwan - Construction and start-up of an active LFG collection system with three blowers and an enclosed flare system located in Taichung City, Taiwan, a Taiwan EPA pilot project on LFG collection and utilization. He was also responsible for the delivery and installation of the entire blowers and flare system designed by SCS Engineers.
Mr. Law’s landfill experience also includes obtaining major permit amendments of alternate bottom liner and leachate collection systems through performance equivalency demonstrations using HELP and MULTIMED modeling. Projects designed with an alternate bottom liner and leachate collection system and approved by VDEQ are the Prince William County Landfill, Frederick County Sanitary Landfill, and Accomack Landfill, and Shoosmith Landfill in Virginia.
Other performance equivalency demonstrations using HELP modeling were performed on alternate final cover system at three landfill closure projects in Howard County, MD, and an alternate bottom liner system at a new landfill in Washington County and a new cell in Frederick County, Maryland.
Isenberg, Robert H., H. James Law, Joseph H. O’neill, and Raymond J. Dever. Geotechnical Aspects of Landfill Bioreactor Design: Is Stability a Fatal Flaw? SWANA 6th Annual Landfill Symposium sponsored by the Solid Waste of North America, San Diego, CA. June 18-20, 2001.
Charles W. Leung, and Law, H. James. "Landfill Design Considerations." 1993 VA and MD Landfill Seminar In-House Technical Proceedings. Richmond, Virginia. April 1993.
Law, H. James & Charles W. Leung. "A Case Study of Slope Stability Analysis For Landfill Lining System." WasteTech 94 Technical Proceedings. Charleston, SC. January 13-14, 1994.
Charles W. Leung, and Law, H. James. "Piggy-Back Landfill Expansions." 12th Annual Virginia Waste Management Conference Technical Proceedings. Richmond, Virginia. April 25-27, 1994.
Law, H. James, Charles W. Leung, Paul A. Mandeville, and Arthur H. Wu. "A Case Study of Determining Liquefaction Potential of A New Landfill Site in Virginia By Using Computer Modeling." WasteTech 95 Technical Proceedings, New Orleans, LA. January 23-24,1995.
Law, H. James, Charles W. Leung, and Robert Isenberg. "Impact of Landfill Slope Geometry on Slope Stability. 19th International Madison Waste Conference, University of Wisconsin-Madison, September 25-26, 1996, and the 1st Annual Landfill Symposium sponsored by the Solid Waste Association of North America, Wilmington, DE. November 4-6, 1996.
Law, H. James, Charles W. Leung, and Pat Lawrence. "Vertical Expansion - A case Study of a Seismic Permanent Displacement Analysis. SWANA 2nd Annual Landfill Symposium sponsored by Solid Waste Association of North America, Sacramento, CA. August 4-6, 1997. |