Jackie Clark, Ph.D., CCC-A, F-AAA
School of Behavioral & Brain Sciences, UT Dallas/Callier Center
Dallas, Texas
Faculty in School of Behavioral & Brain Sciences
Texas Academy of Audiology, Director of Publications
International Journal of Audiology, Managing Editor
UT Dallas/Callier Center
1966 Inwood Road; Dallas, TX 75235
Academic Rank
(60%): Non-Tenured Faculty, School Behavioral & Brain Sciences; Research Associate (since 1996)
Clinical Rank
(20%): Senior Clinical Audiologist since 1998; CCC-A obtained in 1988
B.S. Colorado State University 1975 Textile Science; Merchandising.
M.S. University of Texas at Dallas 1987 Communication Disorders (A and SLP)
Ph.D. University of Texas at Dallas 1995 Human Development andCommunication Sciences.
Major: Hearing and Speech; Minors: Neuroscience/Disorders of Language and Learning .
2001 UT Dallas; Excellance in Education Fund Research Project Ototoxicity monitoring of at risk patients within a Rehabilitation Facility.
2001 - 2004 American Academy of Audiology Scholar
2006 Nominated and selected as the Humanitarian of the Year of the American Academy of Audiology.
In Preparation/Submitted
Clark, J.L. (In Preparation). Behavioral Pure Tone Audiometry. In (B. Mc Pherson and R. Broulette) Audiological Practices in Developing Countries. Singular Press: New York.
Clark, J.L, Bentley, H., Roeser, R.J. (In Preparation). Variability of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions Over a Long-Period.
Roeser, R.J., Jerger, J., Clark, J.L. (In Preparation). Site Specific Identification of Hearing Loss.
Clark, J.L., Schafer, E., Taylor, S. (In Preparation). Yesterday’s WIPI and Today’s Child.
Publications - Articles
Roeser, R.J., Lai, L, Clark, J.L. (2005). Effects of Occlusion on Hearing Thresholds. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 16 (9): 740-746.
Clark, J.L., Roeser, R.J. (2005). Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome in Childhood: A Clinical Case Study. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 16 (10): 822 - 828.
Clark, J.L., Dybala, P.D., Moushegian, G. (1998). Real ear characteristics of the ALGO2ª Acoustic Transducer Assembly. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 9: 426 - 433.
Clark, J.L., Moushegian, G., Rupert, A. (1997). Binaural frequency-following responses. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 8 (5): 308 - 313.
Clark, J. (1996). Electrophysiological measures in assessing auditory processing. Tejas, 21 (1): 22-25.
Publications Book Chapters
Roeser, R.J., Clark, J.L. (In Press). Pure Tone Audiometry. In (R. Roeser, H. Hosford-Dunn, M. Valente, Eds.) Audiology: Diagnosis, Treatment Strategies, and Practice Management: 2nd Edition. Thieme Publishing, New York.
Roeser, R.J., Clark, J.L. (In Press). Clinical Masking. In (R. Roeser, H. Hosford-Dunn, M. Valente, Eds.) Audiology: Diagnosis, Treatment Strategies, and Practice Management: 2nd Edition. Thieme Publishing, New York.
Roeser, R.J. , Clark, J.L. (2004). Screening for Hearing Loss. Chapter 3 in Auditory Disorders in School Children, 4th Edition. Eds; Roeser, R.J., Downs, M.. Thieme Medical Publishers; New York.
Roeser, R.J. , Clark, J.L. (2004). Auditory Diagnosis. Chapter 9 in Auditory Disorders in School Children, 4th Edition. Eds; Roeser, R.J., Downs, M.. Thieme Medical Publishers; New York.
Roeser, R.J., Clark, J.L. (2000). Clinical Masking. In (R. Roeser, H. Hosford-Dunn, M. Valente, Eds.) Audiology: Diagnosis, Treatment Strategies, and Practice Management. Thieme Publishing, New York.
Lamons, S., Clark, J.L., & Jordan, K.M. (2005). Variables Attributing to HA Repair: A Two Year Single-Center Study. Poster presented at NAFDA/AAA Washington D.C. Conference.
Corliss, K. Clark, J.L. (2005). Exploring Academic Benefit With Classroom FM Systems. Poster presented at NAFDA/AAA Washington, D.C. Conference.
Arnold, A, Clark, J.L. (2004). Patient Hearing Aid Benefit from Mexican Non-profit Services. Poster presented at AAA Salt Lake City Conference.
Bentley, H, Clark, J.L. (2004). Variability and Repeatability of the Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions Measure in Adults over a Period of Time. Poster presented at AAA Salt Lake City Conference.
Jordan, K.M., Clark, J.L. (2004). Hearing Aid Repairs and Costs: A Single-
Center Study. Poster presented at NAFDA Salt Lake City Conference
Clark, J.L. Wheeler, T. (2003). A Model for Ototoxicity Monitoring in a Rehabilitation Hospital. Poster presented at AAA San Antonio Conference.
Clark, J.L., Lyles, T. (2003). Today’s Child and the NU Chips. Poster presented at AAA San Antonio Conference.
Clark, J.L., Cokely, C., Rasmus, J. (2002). Comparison of various distortion Otoacoustic emission systems. Poster presented at AAA Philadelphis Conference.
Clark, J.L., Taylor, S. (2001). Today’s Child and the WIPI. Poster at American Academy of Audiology Annual Convention, San Diego, California.
Clark, J.L., Riley, M. (2001). Audiology Project: Mozambique. Poster at American Academy of Audiology Annual Convention, San Diego, California.
Thibodeau, L.M., Taylor, S., Scott, J., Clark, J. (2000). Integrating Audiological Rehabilitation into the hearing aid dispensing process. Poster at Association of Rehabilitative Audiology Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Clark, J.L. Audiology in Mozambique. (2000) Poster to American Academy of Audiology Annual Convention.
Clark, J.L., Scott, J., Thibodeau, L. (2000) Results from the Hearing Aid Dispensing to those in Economic Need Poster to American Academy of Audiology Annual Convention.
Clark, J.L., Northrup, B. (2000). Foreign Volunteerism in Audiology. Presentation to American Academy of Audiology Annual Convention.
Invited Presentations:
Clark, J.L. (July 2006) Specialized Electrophysiological Tests. Professional Seminar for Botswana Speech and Hearing Association
Clark, J.L. (April 2006) Many Faces of Humanitarian Audiology, Featured Session at the Annual Conference for the American Academy of Audiology; Minneapolis, Minnesota
Clark, J.L. (2005) Mechanisms and Clinical Issues Pertaining to Otoacoustic Emissions. Professional Seminar sponsored by the Johannesburg Speech and Hearing Therapist Association; Johannesburg, South Africa.
Clark, J.L. (2005) Clinically Relevant Issues in Otoacoustic Emissions. Professional Seminar at the University of Pretoria; Pretoria, South Africa
Clark, J.L. (2005) Electrophysiology and Audiology. Professional Seminar for Botswana Speech and Hearing Association.
Roeser, R.J., Clark, J.L. (2004). Audiology Then, Now, Here and There. Presented at Oklahoma Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference.
Clark, J.L., Arnold, A. (2004). Humanitarian Audiology. Presentation at the National Association of Future Doctors of Audiology Annual Conference; Salt Lake City. August 2003: Hospital Based Audiology Services: Infant hearing screening & ototoxicity monitoring. Short course at Wittwatersand University, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Clark, J.L. (2004): Clinical Applications of Otoacoustic Emissions. Short course for professional Audiologists hosted by Wittwatersand University, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Clark, J.L. (2003): Hospital Based Audiology Services; and Humanitarian Audiology Opportunities in Mozambique. Short course at Wittwatersand University, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Current Internet
Current web page includes syllabus for Introductory Audiology and Pediatric Audiology classes, curriculum/academic vita, presentation and publications, and special projects.
www.isa-audiology.org Web liaison for International Society of Audiology
Created the Committee for Diversity and International Exchange web page within the American Academy of Audiology Wegpage.
Web steward for the International Journal of Audiology
Web creator and master for Private Practice: Cedar Creek Hearing Center
Clinical Service Delivery
January 2005 present: Partner of Private Practice, Cedar Creek Hearing Center; Tool, Texas.
2002 present: Audiological Consulting Services
1998-to present: Senior Audiologist (Lee Wilson) conduct differential audiological diagnostic practice including hearing aid dispensing, ABR evaluations, and OAE testing; initiate an otoxicity monitoring program for rehabilitation hospitals; supervise graduate students. Services are provided at Baylor Rehabilitation Hospital; and Baylor Our Children’s House Rehabilitation Hospital.
Clinical Supervision:
1998 - Current: C.F.Y. Supervision in Audiology at UTD/Callier Center
1996 to present: UTD, Dept Communication Disorders. Supervise Master Level Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Graduate Students performing hearing screenings in the community.
Research Experience:
2000: Efficacy study with Welch/Allyn Earwash system using adult subjects (P.I. Ross Roeser).
2002 - 2004: Cooperative Ototoxicity Monitoring Program for Baylor Rehabilitation Hospital in-patients.
2002 Present: Determining effective clinical pediatric audiometric speech protocols
2002 Present: Validity and replicability of clinically based otoacoustic emission measures
2002 Present: Consulting with MicroPhonic Inc. Cochlear Implant System to establish protocols, etc. to introduce a new cochlear implant device for review, study, etc. (shared responsibility with Ross Roeser)
2003 Present: Rate and frequency of hearing aid repairs in a clinical setting
2003 Present: Outcome measures with amplification used in developed and developing countries
2004 Present: Effects of varying degrees of occlusion on behavioral audiological thresholds in humans.
2005 Present: An epidemiological study of hearing and hearing loss in a primary school in Mozambique
2005 Present: Effects of lifetime experiential exposure to noise on an individual’s speech in noise performance and otoacoustic emission values.
Research Interests:
Improving, updating and confirming efficacy of Clinical Measures used in Audiology practices for adults and pediatric populations
Neurophysiologic Assessment of Auditory Processing in the pediatric population
Linking behavioral with neurophysiologic data in disordered subjects.
Hybrid cochlear implantation technology affect on humans
Service Community
1989 -present: Trietsch Memorial United Methodist Church, various subcommittees (i.e. Summer Free Lunch Program for 30 - 100 Children; Habitat for Humanity; Feed the Homeless; Environmental Concerns; Hearing Impaired Ministry; Breakfast with Santa for 350 people, Kitchen Task Force, etc.) involving planning, directing volunteers, and facilitating the process.
1998 - 2002: Administrative Council/Missions Chair Trietsch Memorial United Methodist Church: Oversee the missions of the church (Health Fair, Habitat for Humanity, Feeding Homeless, Free Lunch Program for Children, Blood Drives, Highway Clean up, Disaster Preparedness, etc).
1998 Present: Leader of Mission trip to Rural Hospital Chicuque Mozambique Africa: Audiology Project includes planning and overseeing nurses and nursing students training in basic hearing testing; train social action workers to conduct hearing screenings; perform hearing tests; dispense hearing aids. Entire trip and supplies funded from private donations.
1994 - Present: Assist in Hospitality activities of each Annual Scott Haug Audiology Hill Country Retreat.
1999 - 2001: Committee for Diversity and International Exchange, which is within the American Academy of Audiology.
1999 to Present: Co-creator and administrator of the Clearinghouse for International Audiology Opportunities (CIAO) with the American Academy of Audiology.
2001- Present: Director of Publications, Texas Academy of Audiology; Executive Board Member Texas Academy of Audiology
2002 Present: Humanitarian Audiologists Chair within the International Society of Audiology
2002 - Present: Honors and Recognition Committee Member for American Academy of Audiology
2002 Present: Special Olympics Healthy Hearing Volunteer, Annual hearing screenings
2003 Present: Managing Editor, International Journal of Audiology
Courses Currently Teaching
1996 to present: UTD, Dept. Communication Disorders. Clinical Audiology (Undergrad/Graduate level).
1997 to present: UTD, AuD Program. Pediatric Audiology (Graduate Audiology Students)
2005 - Present: UTD, AuD Program. Differential Diagnostic Audiology (Graduate Audiology St |