Humphres Evelia is a program officer with the Population Council’s Frontiers in Reproductive Health Program (FRONTIERS) based in the Nairobi office. Evelia develops and implements operations research studies, provides technical assistance to service-delivery organizations and local research partners, and disseminates operations research findings. His current focus is on identifying effective approaches for strengthening and scaling up adolescent reproductive health programs. Before joining FRONTIERS, Evelia worked for the Council as the Anglophone Africa Operations Coordinator for EC Afrique, a bilingual, international network of health care and business professionals seeking to expand the availability of high-quality emergency contraception (EC) services in Africa, part of the International Consortium for Emergency Contraception. He backstopped the publication of the EC Afrique newsletter, the ECafrique bulletin, coordinated the day-to-day operations of the EC Afrique Secretariat, and maintained ongoing contact with individuals and organizations undertaking EC-related activities in Africa.
Prior to his work with the Council, Evelia served as a program officer at the Center for the Study of Adolescence, where he was responsible for advocacy, policy development, and research on adolescent reproductive health concerns, and provided technical assistance to partners on youth programs. He has also worked as a consultant with Family Health International, UNFPA, UNICEF, the African Population and Health Research Center, and the government of Kenya. Evelia received his M.A. in population studies from the University of Nairobi. |