Director-Technology Strategy for Information Sharing and Homeland Security
Hatte Blejer helps shape the strategy of SRA's information analysis and knowledge infrastructure solutions for intelligence and homeland security. Throughout her career at SRA, Blejer has held leadership roles related to text and data mining, knowledge management, and advanced analytical systems. She helped direct the technology and business strategy for SRA's commercial text mining products. Blejer was responsible for more than a decade for SRA's emerging technology program, corporate-wide research and development, and nationally known centers of excellence in natural language processing (NLP), text mining, data mining, and knowledge management.
For a decade, Blejer managed a horizontal profit-and-loss center; customers included U.S. government and private sector organizations whose mission required managing and exploiting large volumes of digital information, both textual and structured. She oversaw the development of new technologies and products and complex production systems to fuse, index, categorize, summarize, navigate, analyze, share, and visualize digital information.
Under Blejer's direction, SRA has become a national leader in text and data mining. SRA was a top performer in NLP in several U.S. government benchmarks, and the company's text and data mining solutions won The American Association of Artificial Intelligence's (AAAI’s) Innovative Application of Artificial Intelligence Award in 1998 and 2000.
Blejer joined SRA in 1986, serving as a computational linguist and subsequently as project manager on several early NLP systems. She was the company's manager of the natural language processing department for three years. She holds a Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Texas in Austin, with a minor in Arabic linguistics and spent 17 years studying Islamic History and Arabic in the Middle East and the U.S.