Hans-Georg Kamann concentrates his practice on European and German antitrust and competition law, European state aid law and European constitutional law and regulation, with particular focus on the pharmaceutical, agro-chemical and media industries. He has been named as a "frequently recommended lawyer" by JUVE Handbook (2006/2007).
Hans-Georg also practices WTO law, international trade and regulation and has extensive experience in representing corporate and institutional clients before the European Court of Justice and Court of First Instance in Luxembourg, as well as in litigation before the German civil and administrative courts.
In addition to his representation of clients in European Union matters, he serves as a director of the Centre of European Law at the University of Passau (CEP). His languages include French and English as well as his native German.
Notable Engagements:
Antitrust and Merger Control:
Advised Dow Chemical in the Form RS and Form C/O merger control proceedings in connection with the sale of its SAP business to Degussa AG.
Advised Lone Star in the €4.5 billion acquisition of a (non-performing) loan portfolio from HypoVereinsbank.
Advised American and European enterprises in proceedings before the European Commission against the abusive practices of Microsoft.
Advised an international flat glass producer in the European Commission's flat glass price fixing investigation.
Advised Bundesverband Phono in an investigation by the German Federal Cartel Office in certain elements of the official Chart rules.
Advised Star Alliance in common sourcing projects.
State Aid
Advised RAG, the German energy, chemicals and real estate conglomerate, on various state aid issues in connection with its transformation and the envisaged spin-off and IPO of Evonik Industries.
Advised a German media company in a complaint procedure before the European Commission relating to the financing of the German public broadcasters.
Advised a group of German spirits producers in a state aid investigation by the European Commission on the German spirits monopoly system.
Advised Bankgesellschaft Berlin and Norddeutsche Landesbank on state aid issues relating to the grandfathering of the so called Gewährträgerhaftung (state guarantees) provided by the German Federal States to these public banks.
Advised the State of Hessen in a state aid procedure before the European Commission relating to the financing of the Hessische Staatsweingüter.
ECJ, Case C-457/05 Schutzverband der Spirituosen-Industrie (question of whether a Directive itself violates the principle of free movement of goods).
ECJ, Case C-203/04 Gebrüder Stolle vs. Heidegold (food labelling case).
CFI, Case T-249/06 Niko Tube und Nyzhniodniprovskyi Tube Rolling Plant / Council (antidumping case).
ECJ, Case C-239/99 NACHI Europe (antidumping case).
Represented BASF in the vitamins litigation in Germany.
Represented Bet365 in competition litigation relating to the provision of online sports betting services in Germany.
Represented Syngenta in various competition litigation relating to parallel imports of plant protection products.
Represented Becton Dickinson in various competition litigation relating to parallel imports of medtech products.
Munich, Second State Law Examination (bar exam), 1997 o University of Passau, doctor's degree (PhD in law) in European Community law, 1996; Kulturpreis Ostbayern, the prize for the best thesis of the year at the University of Passau, sponsored by OBAG Aktiengesellschaft. o Passau, Munich, Sydney, legal clerkship (Referendariat), 1990-1993 o Bonn, internship with the German Federal Ministry of Commerce, European Department, 1997 o Passau, First State Law Examination, 1994 o Universities of Passau and Bonn, studies of law and business administration, 1988-1993; internship with German Parliament (Bundestag), 1991 o Scholar of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. |