Hal Stern is the Senior Vice President of SystemsEngineering at Sun Microsystems. His responsibilitiesinclude technical leadership training and managementof Sun's customer engineering teams in Global Salesand Services.
In his 17 years with Sun Hal has been the CTO ofSoftware the CTO of Sun Services Chief Architect of Sun Professional Services CTO for the Sun ONE (iPlanet)infrastructure products and the Chief Technologist of Sun'sNortheast US Sales Area. Hal's current technical interestsinclude security performance reliability massive scaleof networked systems and data management models forthe "read write web". He is listed as inventor or co-inventoron several networking and security patents.
Hal has co-authored technical books on networking and highavailability techniques. Hal served as contributing editorfor SunWorld Magazine for fiveyears and was on the editorial staff and advisory board of JavaWorldmagazine.Currently Hal blogs about everything from software economics andnerd toys to 70s art rock bands at http://blogs.sun.com/stern.
Before joining Sun Hal developed molecular modeling software for aBoston area start up company and was on the research staff atPrinceton University. Hal holds a Bachelor of Science degree fromPrinceton.