Greg Shaw is the foundation’s Washington State Education program director. He focuses on our investments in early learning, high schools, and college access. Shaw also has led our advocacy efforts and served as director of our Pacific Northwest initiative.
Previously, Shaw was an advisor to the foundation is his capacity as a partner with the Shepardson, Stern and Kaminsky (SS+K) marketing communications firm. He also spent six years at Microsoft Corp., where he helped to create the company's giving program for public libraries. Prior to Microsoft, Shaw was an executive with Ketchum Communications in Washington, D.C., and served in the Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Interior Department and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. He began his career as a writer and editor at the Cherokee Advocate.
Shaw serves on Gov. Christine Gregoire’s Early Learning Council. He also holds board positions with the United Way of King County, Philanthropy Northwest, Partners for Our Children, and Living Cities. He is a Senior Fellow within the University of Washington’s Center for Communications and Civic Engagement.
Shaw has a B.A. in journalism from Northeastern State University in Oklahoma. He and his wife have two young children. |