B Ag Ec (Hons), University of New England, Australia
Additional Information
Greg Martin is a Vice President in CRA’s Regulatory Economics and Public Policy Group, based in Canberra. He joined CRA in August 2005, after having been a senior consultant with ACIL Tasman since 1986. Mr. Martin is an industry analyst with a strong background in microeconomics, who provides analysis and advice on economic issues and policy for Australian corporate, industry, and government clients. In particular, he specializes in industry and policy analysis for manufacturing, the farm sector, and service industry clients. His consulting work has included projects on microeconomic reform; industry assistance; statutory marketing; R&D policy and evaluation; farm, fishing, and forestry policy; commodity outlooks; investment analysis; indirect taxation; defense; and energy. He has extensive experience in cost-benefit analysis and financial modeling, including project evaluation and micro (business-level) analysis. The major focus of his work has been promoting an efficient allocation of resources, especially through addressing impediments to market-based developments. |