Glenn Ellerbe, an Executive Vice President with Gorman Health Group, LLC, has extensive experience in problem identification and corrective actions in Medicare claims and encounters, enrollment, disenrollment, membership statuses, and reporting and compliance monitoring systems. He develops corrective actions for compliant operations including reengineering information systems, manual workflow design, and policy and procedure development. He is a leading HIPAA implementation expert and also performs enrollment reconciliations, claims and encounters data validation audits for certification and ACRP development, and special focus audits. A 24-year veteran of Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Ohio, as Director of Medicare Managed Care Ohio Operations, Mr. Ellerbe was responsible for all aspects of planning, filing, implementing, operating, and expanding Anthem’s Ohio Medicare Advantage plan. While at Anthem, Mr. Ellerbe served as Senior Manager of Medicare Claims Operations, Corporate Manager of Medicare Audit & Reimbursement, and Director, Medicare HMO. As a Medicare fiscal intermediary official, Mr. Ellerbe audited for fraud, abuse, waste, mismanagement, and non-compliance; both financial and operational. He has extensive experience working with HCFA and Office of Inspector General. |