After military service Gamble attended the University of Colorado and graduated in 1970 with a degree in Accounting and Finance. In the 70's Gamble was engaged in real estate, primarily in the sale of homes, home sites, mining properties and commercial leasing. During this time he was involved in financing a number of mining ventures through partnerships, limited partnership and joint ventures. In 1979 Gamble orchestrated the sale and financing on a ranch in Russell, Kansas on which were several oil and gas producing wells. This led to the creation of Petro-Package Brokerage, which specialized in packaging, financing and selling producing oil and gas properties. Gamble has served as an officer and director for companies in mining, oil and gas, cattle, real estate and resource financing. Currently he is a director of Natural Buttes Gas Corp., manager of Desert Flower Mining LLC, and president and chairman of Victory Minerals Corp. and Pinnacle Resources Inc. |